
Built on Ignatian Values


  • 100%

    Percentage of students who attend retreat each year
  • 100%

    Percentage of students who finish 30 hours of faith-based service
  • 100

    Annual number of students in liturgical leadership roles
  • 22

    Number of 撤退 in 2022-2023

All aspects of life at Saint Ignatius are rooted in our Jesuit, Catholic Identity.

In the Jesuit tradition, Ignatians are urged to find God in all things. At Saint Ignatius College Prep, students spend four years learning about world religions, 圣经, 哲学, 基督论, 道德, and Catholic tradition. We celebrate the active presence of God in our lives through prayer, 撤退, 礼拜仪式, 圣礼, service and justice work.

A Message from Peter Corrigan, Director of Student Formation and Ministry

Saint Ignatius, writing in his 精神ual Exercises, asserts that human beings are created to "praise, reverence and serve God." In Student Formation and Ministry, we hope to accompany students as they grow in each of these dimensions across their four years. Our class-level 撤退 introduce students to the major contours of Ignatian 精神uality in the context of their lived high school experience. Through individual and communal prayer and engagement with the 圣礼, students come to know that God has a personal call for their lives. All school Masses accentuate the major feasts of the Catholic Church, and Ignatian Values Days allow us a chance for deep reflection on our 毕业在即 值. Inspired by the witness and example of Jesus Christ, our faith calls us to respond to God's invitation through direct charitable outreach and actions that prioritize inclusion, justice and equity.
At the heart of a Jesuit Catholic education is the Mission. It animates and directs what we do everyday at Saint Ignatius College Prep. 点击这里 to see our Mission come to life!

Our Larger Community

The following portals will connect our Saint Ignatius College Prep community to the larger Catholic Church that is our home.

Saint Ignatius College Prep

Saint Ignatius College Prep, a Jesuit Catholic school in the heart of Chicago, is a diverse community dedicated to educating young men and women for lives of faith, 爱, service and leadership.