Student Life
Clubs & Activities


Faith, Fellowship and Fun

That's the motto of Club ADAM, which stands for "A Day Among Men." The picture you see captures the group in one of its monthly meetings where trivia, donuts and discussions about faith and life, live large. 
Some club highlights: ADAM holds a "Cookout and Kickback" before a Saint Ignatius College Prep Football game every year. Members also have hosted dodgeball games and more!
Annually, ADAM's seniors can elect to attend a Club ADAM camping trip for their senior retreat.

Martin Luther, Theologian

"Men are not made religious by performing certain actions which are externally good, but they must first have righteous principals, and then they will not fail to perform virtuous actions."

Club Moderators

List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Peter Corrigan

    Peter Corrigan 

  • Photo of George Doyle

    George Doyle 

Saint Ignatius College Prep

Saint Ignatius College Prep, a Jesuit Catholic school in the heart of Chicago, is a diverse community dedicated to educating young men and women for lives of faith, love, service and leadership.